资本的自由度决定着全球化的深度和广度 ,全球化本质上是资本的全球化 ,是资本自己所要完成的历史使命。资本在造成人类社会发展的全球化趋势的同时 ,不可避免的使自身难以克服的矛盾和弊端突破国别和地域的限制 ,具有了“全球性”。资本的全球化 ,决定了全球化发展的最终趋势 ,扬弃劳动的异化 ,扬弃资本同劳动的对立 ,实现马克思所设想的那个“自由人联合体”
The depth and width of globalization is decided by the extent of the freedom of capital.In essence,globalization is of capital which accomplishes the historic task by itself.While leading to the trend of globalization of the human society,capital irrestibly makes the contradiction and abuse which can't be overcome easily by itself break through the confinement of nations and regions and is provided with'globalization'.The globalization of capital decides that the ultimate trend of globalization lies in sublating the alienation of labor and the contradiction between capital and labor,at last achieving the association of the freemen--Communism.
Journal of Hebei Institute of Technology (Social Science Edition)