
A Biosystematic Study on Asplenium sarelii Complex 被引量:5

摘要 The series Variantia Ching et S. H. Wu mainly occur in China and its members are highly variable in morphology. The denomination on this group of Asplenium is very confused in the herbaria. We hop e by means of a biosystematic study to find out their genetic relationships in the reticulate evolution, and to raise a suggestion on their taxonomic treatment. Evidence from cytology, allozyme, morphology, and palynology shows that three ancestor diploids have formed Asplenium sarelii complex comprising 13 members. A. sarelii Hook. should be typified as a diploid. The so-called tetraploid 'A. sarelii' before is an allotetraploid that comes from the doubled hybrid between diploid A. sarelii and A. tenuicaule Hayata, which should be treated as a new species A. wudangense Z. R. Wang et X. Hou. A. pekinense Hance is an autotetraploid that comes from the doubled diploid ancestor A. sarelii. A. lushanense C. Chr., a diploid species and the only ancestor of A. yunnariense group, should not been sunk as a synonym of tetraploid A. yunnariense Franch. Most probably, A. varians Wall. ex Hook. et Grev. is an autotetraploid of A. tenuicaule Hayata. Three new natural tetraploid hybrids and their origins have been found out: they are A. x longmenense ( = A. pekinense x varians), A. x jingyunense ( = A. pekinense x yunnanense) and A. x kidoi ( = A. pekinense x wudangense). Three other new natural triploid hybrids have been found and their origins have been inferred: they are A. X huawuense ( = A. sarelii X wudangense), A. x luyunense ( = A. lushanense x yunnanense) and A. x teniuvaians ( = A. tenuicaule x varians). The method of allozyme comparion combined with cytological observation is employed to reveal the complicated relationships among the members of Asplenium sarelii complex in reticulate evolution and proved to be a highly effective tool to investigate the origin of polyploid and hybrid. 变异铁角蕨系(Series Variantia Ching et S.H.Wn)主产我国,形态变异大。在标本室中,铁角蕨属(AspleniumL.)的鉴定非常紊乱,同一个种名下往往存在着不同的细胞型或杂种。本文通过对该复合体的生物系统学研究,揭示它们在网状进化中亲缘关系的来龙去脉,并对它们的分类学位置提出讨论和处理建议。细胞学、等位酶、形态学和孢粉学证据表明:由3个基本的二倍体祖先种形成了共13个成员组成的华中铁角蕨复合体(Asplenium sarelii com-plex)。华中铁角蕨(Asplenium sarelii Hook.)应当被标定为二倍体,以往文献中所谓的四倍体“华中铁角蕨”实际上是来自二倍体华中铁角蕨和细茎铁角蕨(A.tenuicaule Hayala)杂交后加倍得来的异源四倍体产物,它被另外处理为新种武当铁角蕨(A.wudangense Z.R.Wang et X.Hou)。北京铁角蕨(A.pekinense Hance)是二倍体华中铁角蕨加倍后得来的同源四倍体。泸山铁角蕨(A.lushanense C.Chr.)是云南铁角蕨群中的惟一二倍体祖先种,不应处理为四倍体云南铁角蕨(A.yunnanense Franch)的异名。变异铁角蕨(A.varians Wall .ex Hook.et Grev.)很可能是细茎铁角蕨的同源四倍体。3个天然四倍体新杂种及其起源被发现,它们是:龙门铁角蕨(A.×longmenense(=A.pekinense×vanians)),京云铁角蕨(A.×
出处 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第1期1-14,共14页 Acta Botanica Sinica(植物学报:英文版)
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(39570062)~~
关键词 PTERIDOPHYTES Asplenium L. BIOSYSTEMATICS reticulate evolution CYTOLOGY ALLOZYME China 华中铁角蕨 复合体 生物系统学 蕨类植物 铁角蕨属 网状进化 细胞学 等位酶 中国
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