
Exploration and Practice of the B-SLIM Model in Guangxi 被引量:1

Exploration and Practice of the B-SLIM Model in Guangxi
摘要 After China's entry into the WTO,the interchange and communication between China and the international community has increased,which exerts great influence on pushing forward the modernization and construction of the various industries in China and requires a large number of people with good command of English.Under these circumstances,English education becomes extremely important.Guangxi,an old revolutionary base area inhabited by minority ethnic groups,is falling behind with its economy,culture and education in comparison with eastern regions of China.A number of English teachers,especially those in middle schools of the rural areas,are provided with little education and few opportunities for advanced study;most of them lack the new teaching ideas,models or methods which could replace the traditional teaching model that centers on the teacher and textbook.As a result,students can't give full play to their subjective initiative with low communication and application capability in English.To confer impetus to English language teaching reform,researchers and scholars have made great efforts in experimenting various teaching models with the hope to find a language teaching model which can meet the demands of the new era and B-SLIM model put forward by Dr.Olenka Bilash is such a model. After China's entry into the WTO,the interchange and communication between China and the international community has increased,which exerts great influence on pushing forward the modernization and construction of the various industries in China and requires a large number of people with good command of English.Under these circumstances,English education becomes extremely important.Guangxi,an old revolutionary base area inhabited by minority ethnic groups,is falling behind with its economy,culture and education in comparison with eastern regions of China.A number of English teachers,especially those in middle schools of the rural areas,are provided with little education and few opportunities for advanced study;most of them lack the new teaching ideas,models or methods which could replace the traditional teaching model that centers on the teacher and textbook.As a result,students can't give full play to their subjective initiative with low communication and application capability in English.To confer impetus to English language teaching reform,researchers and scholars have made great efforts in experimenting various teaching models with the hope to find a language teaching model which can meet the demands of the new era and B-SLIM model put forward by Dr.Olenka Bilash is such a model.
作者 庞琳
出处 《海外英语》 2012年第6X期58-60,共3页 Overseas English
基金 广西教育科学"十一五"规划2010年度立项课题:<西部TESL项目以学生为中心的"必胜"(BSLIM)教学模式对广西少数民族地区英语教学的影响与作用> 2012年度新世纪广西高等教育教学改革工程立项项目:<高职大学英语B-SLIM教学模式实践与研究>
关键词 ENGLISH education ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING REFORM English education English language teaching reform B-SLIM model
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