If translation has such far-reaching social effects such as contributing to social reproduction and change in forming cultural identity,it seems significant to adopt a translation ethical principle to evaluate these effects,confirm whether they are good or bad and consider whether the formed cultural identities are ethical.Venuti resorts to minoritizing translation,argues for releasing "language remainder" which develops into translation ethics--"Ethics of Difference".To put to work these strategies could form cultural identities both for source-language culture and target-language culture.
If translation has such far-reaching social effects such as contributing to social reproduction and change in forming cultural identity,it seems significant to adopt a translation ethical principle to evaluate these effects,confirm whether they are good or bad and consider whether the formed cultural identities are ethical.Venuti resorts to minoritizing translation,argues for releasing 'language remainder' which develops into translation ethics--'Ethics of Difference'.To put to work these strategies could form cultural identities both for source-language culture and target-language culture.
Overseas English