
The Gaze Theory

The Gaze Theory
摘要 Gaze describes the relationship of the subject with the power and desire to look and awareness that one can be viewed.The gaze can be motivated by the subject' s desire to control the object it sees,and an object that can likewise capture and hold the subject' s eye.The term ' gaze' is often defined as looking long and intently with affection at a subject.A person who determines a sense of themselves as an individual element in the world makes up the idea of the gaze.The concept of the gaze is also a central part of theories looking within modernity. Gaze describes the relationship of the subject with the power and desire to look and awareness that one can be viewed.The gaze can be motivated by the subject' s desire to control the object it sees,and an object that can likewise capture and hold the subject' s eye.The term ‘ gaze' is often defined as looking long and intently with affection at a subject.A person who determines a sene of themselves as an individual element in the world makes up the idea of the gaze.The concept of the gaze is also a central part of theories looking within modernity.
作者 谢瑜娟
机构地区 赣南师范学院
出处 《海外英语》 2012年第11X期274-277,共4页 Overseas English
关键词 GAZE SARTRE Lacan FOUCAULT gaze Sartre Lacan Foucault
  • 相关文献


  • 1Sartre,Jean Paul.Being and Nothingness[]..1966
  • 2Krips,Henry.The Politics of the Gaze:Foucault,Lacan and i ek[].Culture Unbound.2010
  • 3Lacan,Jacques.Seminar Eleven:The Four Fundamental Con cepts of Psychoanalysis[]..1978








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