
The Ethical Explanation of The Spirit of Western Law

The Ethical Explanation of The Spirit of Western Law
摘要 The order of western rule-of-law is always the sample of the construction of Chinese rule-of-law,but the spirit of western legal system,which is embodied as rule-of-law,right-equality,and rule-by-good-law,is correlated inherently with certain natural and social condition.Human nature theory of naturalism,the contract-ethics,and justice are the ethical foundations of Western law,and the idea of people-oriented,whose contents includes human's homony and happiness,always acompany with the western development history of rule-of-law.We should adhere the sense that people should abide by and respect law,and the law should constitute a kind of healthy and harmony interpersonal relationships and free and creative living-style. The order of western rule-of-law is always the sample of the construction of Chinese rule-of-law,but the spirit of western legal system,which is embodied as rule-of-law,right-equality,and rule-by-good-law,is correlated inherently with certain natural and social condition.Human nature theory of naturalism,the contract-ethics,and justice are the ethical foundations of Western law,and the idea of people-oriented,whose contents includes human's homony and happiness,always acompany with the western development history of rule-of-law.We should adhere the sense that people should abide by and respect law,and the law should constitute a kind of healthy and harmony interpersonal relationships and free and creative living-style.
作者 陈秀萍
机构地区 河海大学法学院
出处 《海外英语》 2012年第12X期1-4,9,共5页 Overseas English
基金 河海大学中央高校基金项目"取水权转让制度的正当性问题研究"(项目名称:2010B12614)
关键词 Rule of law Human nature CONTRACT ETHICS JUSTICE Rule of law Human nature Contract ethics Justice
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