
Computer Mediated-Communication and Stylistics

Computer Mediated-Communication and Stylistics
摘要 Cyber language is a third language,which lies between spoken language and written language.Cyber language consists of three elements:1) technical terms that are related to computer science and network technology;2) new words and phrases that are related to cyber culture;and 3) cyber slang that is used mainly in CMC(Qin Xiubai,2003).Cyber language has its own linguistic features at four levels,namely,phonology,graphology,lexicon,syntax,and discourse. Cyber language is a third language,which lies between spoken language and written language.Cyber language consists of three elements:1) technical terms that are related to computer science and network technology;2) new words and phrases that are related to cyber culture;and 3) cyber slang that is used mainly in CMC(Qin Xiubai,2003).Cyber language has its own linguistic features at four levels,namely,phonology,graphology,lexicon,syntax,and discourse.
作者 吴学敏
机构地区 北京林业大学
出处 《海外英语》 2012年第14期243-245,共3页 Overseas English
关键词 CYBER LANGUAGE STYLISTIC features CAUSES cyber language stylistic features causes
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