
略论跨文化建设中编译观的转变 被引量:2

Brief Discussion on the Concept Shift of Editing and Translation in the Cross-cultural Construction
摘要 加强跨文化建设,乃是党中央关于社会主义文化大发展大繁荣决定的重要内容,也是面对公共外交兴起、经济全球化、第三次工业革命等新形势的应对措施。转变编译观念正是优化翻译和双语编辑工作,促进跨文化交流和跨文化建设的必由之路。在简析编译观实然态的基础上,对编译观的应然态作了粗浅预描,认为编译观的转变必须从变视野进到变范式——既要跳出纯翻译视野又不能陷入纯编辑视野,而要创建跨界的、反映规律的、转换范式的、跨学科的多维整体编译观,并举隅交叉范式的交叉编译观,作为与同行共享和探讨的落点。 Enhancing cross-cultural construction is the important content of the CPC Central Committee’s decision of the socialist cultural development and prosperity, and also the responding method to face of the rise of public diplomacy, economic globalization and the third industrial revolution. Concept Shift of editing and translation is the only way to optimize the translation and bilingual editing work, promote cross-cultural exchange and cross-cultural construction. Based on the brief analysis of the actual state of editing and translation concept, the paper pre-describes the ought state of editing and translation concept , arguing that concept shift must transform from perspective shift to paradigm shift: to get out of both pure translation vision and pure editing vision, and to create a multi-dimensional integrated concept of cross-border, reflecting the laws, paradigm shift, and interdisciplinary consept, citing a cross concept of editing and translation based on cross paradigm, as a point to be shared and discussed with the peers.
作者 许玫
出处 《海外英语》 2013年第5X期128-131,共4页 Overseas English
关键词 跨文化建设 编译观转变 实然态简析 应然态预描 范式转换 交叉编译观 cross-cultural construction concept shift of editing and translation brief analysis of actual state pre-described ought state paradigm shift cross concept of editing and translation
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