
利用思维导图的中医英语学习效果及其分析 被引量:5

The Effects of TCM English Learning with the Assistance of Mind Mapping and Its Analysis
摘要 目的:探讨思维导图在中医英语教学中的作用,优化医学英语教学。方法:考试筛选出07级五年制医疗系中公共英语基础水平无差距的两个尚未开设医学英语的自然班,随机将其分成实验组和对照组,对他们进行一个学期(第7学期)的医学英语教学。实验组的学生借助思维导图学习中医英语,对照组的学生用平时养成的自己认为最好的方法学习中医英语。通过期中和期末考试比较和分析两组学生的中医英语成绩。为了明确单位自主学习时间内两种不同方法学习的效果,课题组用调查问卷的形式考察了每组分别用在专业英语上自主学习的时间并同时考察了学生们医学英语学习兴趣的改变。结果:实验组期中期末成绩均优于对照组,单位自主学习时间内也优于对照组,期末更明显。实验组的自主学习时间和对照组无明显区别,但兴趣高于对照组。结论:思维导图可明显发掘学生的学习潜力,有利于提高学生的学习成绩。 Objective: To explore the effects of TCM English learning with the help of mind mapping strategy and optimize medical English teaching method. Method: We chose 2 natural classes from grade 4, and randomly designated one class as experimental group and the other as control group. The English level of the students reviewed no difference in the two classes. TCM English was told to the students in both groups for a semester, the students in experimental group were required to learn TCM English with the help of mind mapping and the students in control group were asked to learn TCM English using the best method they obtained dur?ing their lives. Their scores of mid-term exam and final term exam were analyzed. In order to find out the learning effeciency of a unit time of self-directed learning under these two methods, we obtained the self-directed medical English learning time per week through questionnaires, in the same questionaires we also investigated the interest of medical English study from both groups. Re?sult: Both learning effect and efficiency of experimental group are better than that of the control group, more apparently in the final term exam. Self-directed medical learning time per week showed no significant difference between the two groups, however, the learning interest in experimental group is high. Conclusion: Mind mapping has potential in improving learning effect and efficiency of TCM English study.
作者 贾锐 刘明
出处 《海外英语》 2013年第8X期1-2,4,共3页 Overseas English
基金 黑龙江省教育厅2012年度人文社会科学(面上)项目(12522277) 黑龙江省高等教育学会高等教育科学研究"十二五"规划课题(HGJXHB2110828) 黑龙江省教育科学"十二五"规划2011年度规划课题计划 课题类型:省重点课题(GBB1211054) 黑龙江省教育厅2012年度教改项目计划项目(JG2012010597)
关键词 思维导图 自主学习 调查问卷 mind map self-directed learning questionnaire
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