
An Analysis of Students' Mistakes through Linguistic Relativity

An Analysis of Students' Mistakes through Linguistic Relativity
摘要 Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis is controversial, but the Linguistic Relativity is universally accepted by scholars. Through ana lyzing the causes of the mistakes that students often make during English learning and the relationship among thoughts, cultures and languages, this paper argues that language can influence people's thoughts and people's thoughts can influence the acquisi tion of a second language. Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis is controversial, but the Linguistic Relativity is universally accepted by scholars. Through ana lyzing the causes of the mistakes that students often make during English learning and the relationship among thoughts, cultures and languages, this paper argues that language can influence people's thoughts and people's thoughts can influence the acquisi tion of a second language.
作者 赵瑶
出处 《海外英语》 2013年第17期116-117,共2页 Overseas English
关键词 LINGUISTIC RELATIVITY THOUGHTS CULTURES LANGUAGES Linguistic Relativity thoughts cultures languages teaching
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