
Language Development and Use—The Process of First Language Acquisition has Little to Tell us about How a Second Language is Acquired

Language Development and Use—The Process of First Language Acquisition has Little to Tell us about How a Second Language is Acquired
摘要 The ability to use language may be one of the most important features that makes human beings as human, so language acquisition draws much attention from linguists, psychologists, and language learners from long time ago. The process of first lan guage acquisition has little to tell us about how a second language is acquired. FLA can tell us something about SLA since they are both the language acquisition process of human beings and share some similarities like needing input stimuli, similar developmen tal sequence etc. The ability to use language may be one of the most important features that makes human beings as human, so language acquisition draws much attention from linguists, psychologists, and language learners from long time ago. The process of first lan guage acquisition has little to tell us about how a second language is acquired. FLA can tell us something about SLA since they are both the language acquisition process of human beings and share some similarities like needing input stimuli, similar developmen tal sequence etc.
作者 李媛媛
机构地区 西安外国语大学
出处 《海外英语》 2013年第17期279-280,285,共3页 Overseas English
关键词 LANGUAGE acquisition LANGUAGE LEARNERS Similarity Language acquisition Language learners Similarity Differences
  • 相关文献


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