
Comprehensive Review on “Critical Period Hypothesis” and the Role of Age in Second Language Learning 被引量:1

Comprehensive Review on “Critical Period Hypothesis” and the Role of Age in Second Language Learning
摘要 The essay makes comprehensive literature review and analysis on various scientific experiments and research about the role of age in second language learning. Moreover, the introduction and analysis of"Critical Period Hypothesis"and its relevant research in second language acquisition has been presented in order to put forward some scientific implications for second lan guage learning and instruciton in the context of China. The essay makes comprehensive literature review and analysis on various scientific experiments and research about the role of age in second language learning. Moreover, the introduction and analysis of'Critical Period Hypothesis'and its relevant research in second language acquisition has been presented in order to put forward some scientific implications for second lan guage learning and instruciton in the context of China.
作者 李溱
出处 《海外英语》 2013年第18期280-282,共3页 Overseas English
关键词 Critical PERIOD Hypothesis(CPH) ROLE of age SECOND Critical Period Hypothesis(CPH) role of age second language learning
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