

An Analysis of a Corpus-based Study——Exampled by“A Corpus-based Study of Connectors in Student Writing”
摘要 该文讨论了Kingsley Bolton等基于语料库的学生英语写作中连接词的使用研究这一论文,探讨其如何利用语料库的研究方法对学生英语写作中连接词的使用进行量化分析。同时,该文也认为其所用的语料库研究方法存在优缺点,提出要谨慎选择研究中所采用的方法。 This paper tends to make a quantitative analysis of the paper'A corpus-based study of connectors in student writing' written by Kingsley Bolton, Gerald Nelson and Joseph Hung to explore how to make a corpus-based study. In the same time, advantages and disadvantages of employing this method are discussed, and suggestions of being careful to choose the methods used in the study.
作者 徐玉秀
出处 《海外英语》 2014年第5X期260-262,共3页 Overseas English
关键词 量化分析 基于语料库 优缺点 quantitative analysis corpus-based study advantages and disadvantages
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