The symbolism in Hawthorne's short stories is very typical. This paper mainly discusses the use of symbolism in his Young Goodman Brown with a view to contributing to a better understanding of the whole story. Its title, the protagonist's name, color of brown, pink, and black, some images such as characters, surroundings and the plot of the whole story have abundant symbolic implication. By analyzing the story and the writing methods of symbolism, we can see the theme of Hawthorne's stories clearly. Hawthorne reveals that"Evil is the nature of mankind"by the use of these images.
The symbolism in Hawthorne's short stories is very typical. This paper mainly discusses the use of symbolism in his Young Goodman Brown with a view to contributing to a better understanding of the whole story. Its title, the protagonist's name, color of brown, pink, and black, some images such as characters, surroundings and the plot of the whole story have abundant symbolic implication. By analyzing the story and the writing methods of symbolism, we can see the theme of Hawthorne's stories clearly. Hawthorne reveals that'Evil is the nature of mankind'by the use of these images.
Overseas English