
The Appropriate Relevance between Putonghua and Dialects

The Appropriate Relevance between Putonghua and Dialects
摘要 Putonghua is the lingua franca of People’s Republic of China,so the government of People’s Republic of China has made laws to promote it and require the citizens of People’s Republic of China use it in certain formal occasions;Promoting Putonghua is the actual needs of China in the current times and in the long future to come.It must be kept in the mind that we must also protect the dialects when promoting Putonghua and we can not afford to let them perish.Putonghua and dialects fulfill different social function in our daily life,so the appropriate relationship between Putonghua and dialects is complementary coexistence in harmony,not in conflicts.And the success of promoting Putonghua should not base on the death of dialects.In order to ensure Putonghua and dialects to fulfill their different social functions better,measures must be taken to safeguard the long-term complementary harmonious coexistence of Putonghua and dialects and to protect endangered dialects. Putonghua is the lingua franca of People’s Republic of China, so the government of People’s Republic of China has made laws to promote it and require the citizens of People’s Republic of China use it in certain formal occasions;Promoting Put-onghua is the actual needs of China in the current times and in the long future to come. It must be kept in the mind that we must also protect the dialects when promoting Putonghua and we can not afford to let them perish. Putonghua and dialects fulfill different social function in our daily life, so the appropriate relationship between Putonghua and dialects is complementary coexis-tence in harmony, not in conflicts. And the success of promoting Putonghua should not base on the death of dialects. In order to ensure Putonghua and dialects to fulfill their different social functions better, measures must be taken to safeguard the long-term complementary harmonious coexistence of Putonghua and dialects and to protect endangered dialects.
作者 马铭
机构地区 黄淮学院外语系
出处 《海外英语》 2014年第9X期274-275,共2页 Overseas English
关键词 Putonghua DIALECTS COMPLEMENTARY COEXISTENCE Putonghua dialects complementary coexistence
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