As a unique feature of literature, poem brings readers music beauty, image beauty, visual beauty as well as symbolic beauty. Robert Frost is an American contemporary poet who is good at stylistic feature of poems, especially in macroscopic organization, rhetorical methods, grammatical metaphor, vocabulary, rhythmic feature, and semantic relations. Generally, sound is related to phonetics and phonology. Patterns of sound can create melodious effect in poetry, and sometimes a single vowel or consonant will make the verse or even the particular poem significant. Sometimes musical or incantatory effects are achieved through devices such as onomatopoeia, alliteration, assonance and rhythm. A stylistic analysis of Robert Frost's famous poem"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening"is given, which mainly focused on its language features. Through the excellent choice of words and organization of sound, Frost makes the simplest pieces into meaningful poems with beautiful melody and brings readers refreshing sense, flatus of life, tranquility and geniality.
As a unique feature of literature, poem brings readers music beauty, image beauty, visual beauty as well as symbolic beauty. Robert Frost is an American contemporary poet who is good at stylistic feature of poems, especially in macroscopic organization, rhetorical methods, grammatical metaphor, vocabulary, rhythmic feature, and semantic relations. Generally, sound is related to phonetics and phonology. Patterns of sound can create melodious effect in poetry, and sometimes a single vowel or consonant will make the verse or even the particular poem significant. Sometimes musical or incantatory effects are achieved through devices such as onomatopoeia, alliteration, assonance and rhythm. A stylistic analysis of Robert Frost's famous poem'Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening'is given, which mainly focused on its language features. Through the excellent choice of words and organization of sound, Frost makes the simplest pieces into meaningful poems with beautiful melody and brings readers refreshing sense, flatus of life, tranquility and geniality.
Overseas English