
On the Gender Difference of Translator's Subjectivity in Literary Translation

On the Gender Difference of Translator's Subjectivity in Literary Translation
摘要 Translation is an activity aimed at transferring the source language to the target language,related to many aspects involving culture,society,history and so on.The translator plays a critical role in translation practice.Xu Jun considers"translator’s subjectivity should be reflected to be artistic personal consciousness in translated works."Translator’s differences in age,gender,personal traits,educational level and other aspects make translation artistry completely divergent.Therefore,translator’s subjectivity shoulders great significances on the success of literary translation,which isn’t arbitrary,out of control,must be conducted in line with essence of the original work.This paper focuses on the gender difference of translator’s subjectivity in literary translation,hoping to find a way of eliminating the influence of it in the translation work. Translation is an activity aimed at transferring the source language to the target language, related to many aspects in?volving culture, society, history and so on. The translator plays a critical role in translation practice. Xu Jun considers“translator’s subjectivity should be reflected to be artistic personal consciousness in translated works.”Translator’s differences in age, gender, personal traits, educational level and other aspects make translation artistry completely divergent. Therefore, translator ’s subjectivi?ty shoulders great significances on the success of literary translation, which isn ’t arbitrary, out of control, must be conducted in line with essence of the original work. This paper focuses on the gender difference of translator ’s subjectivity in literary transla?tion, hoping to find a way of eliminating the influence of it in the translation work.
出处 《海外英语》 2014年第22期120-122,125,共4页 Overseas English
关键词 translator’s SUBJECTIVITY GENDER DIFFERENCE androg translator's subjectivity gender difference androgyny
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