Tess of the D'Urbervilles was written by Thomas Hardy who was a famous critical realistic writer at the turn of the 19 thcentury in England.Tess of the D'Urbervilles is the most influential one of all his works.The novel describes a tragic life about abeautiful girl after disgrace.This paper analyses what cause Tess' s tragic life.The first part is an introduction of Tess of the D'Urb-ervilles and its writer Thomas Hardy.And then is the analysis on the causes of her tragic life —characters of Tess,Society Influ-ence and influence of Pessimism & Fatalism of Hardy.Though Tess fought with the society,as a common person she is helpless atthat time.In the end,she turned out to be the sacrificial victim of society like all other things which disobey the morality and ethic.
Tess of the D'Urbervilles was written by Thomas Hardy who was a famous critical realistic writer at the turn of the 19 thcentury in England.Tess of the D'Urbervilles is the most influential one of all his works.The novel describes a tragic life about abeautiful girl after disgrace.This paper analyses what cause Tess' s tragic life.The first part is an introduction of Tess of the D'Urb-ervilles and its writer Thomas Hardy.And then is the analysis on the causes of her tragic life —characters of Tess,Society Influ-ence and influence of Pessimism & Fatalism of Hardy.Though Tess fought with the society,as a common person she is helpless atthat time.In the end,she turned out to be the sacrificial victim of society like all other things which disobey the morality and ethic.
Overseas English