
An Analysis on the Twins' “Depravity” Image in The God of Small Things

An Analysis on the Twins' “Depravity” Image in The God of Small Things
摘要 The God of Small Things written by Arundhati Roy is a novel about the post-colonial India.Based on the main clue of anupper-class family in a small town,the author describes the life and the state of minds of the entire society in the post-colonial In-dia.This thesis attempts to analyze the image of the twins’"depravity",which includes the background,the formation,the presen-tations and the implication of their depravity. The God of Small Things written by Arundhati Roy is a novel about the post-colonial India. Based on the main clue of anupper-class family in a small town, the author describes the life and the state of minds of the entire society in the post-colonial In-dia. This thesis attempts to analyze the image of the twins' 'depravity', which includes the background, the formation, the presen-tations and the implication of their depravity.
作者 赵情
出处 《海外英语》 2015年第11期183-185,共3页 Overseas English
关键词 The GOD of SMALL THINGS The God of Small Things
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