现今,"中国文学走出去"之风愈演愈烈,文学翻译事业受到国家和政府的高度重视,方兴未艾。在文学作品西行中,译作质量的高低决定了传播之路的成功与否,译作所传达国家形象的优劣决定了传播目的的达成与否。该文以安德烈·勒菲弗尔(Andrei Lefevere)提出的改写理论为基础,以意识形态、赞助人、诗学三个因素为切入点,剖析了许孟雄英译《子夜》中的改译情节和段落调整情况,以期进一步提高中国文学翻译工作的质量,助力于中国文学的西行之旅。
Nowadays, China’s“going-out”strategy has been taken which makes Chinese government attach great importance to lit?erary translation so that literary translation keeps booming. In the process of going-out, translations’quality and country’s image described by translations are two key factors. On the basis of rewriting theory proposed by Andrei Lefever, this paper analyzes adap?tations and paragraph adjustments in the Midnight translated by Hsu Meng-hsiun from three perspectives:ideology, patronage and poetics. Its goal is to improve Chinese literary translation to further promote the spread of Chinese literature.
Overseas English