
Affect of Motivation on First-and Second-year English L1 Chinese Language Students

Affect of Motivation on First-and Second-year English L1 Chinese Language Students
摘要 Taking Chinese learners of English L1 students at Colorado State University of USA as subjects,the study explored the effect of motivation on American Chinese language learners learning achievement.The researchers find that motivation intensity is an important factor leading to learning success.Both integrative and instrumental factors do not necessary lead to good learning results.Favorable attitudes toward the teacher and course materials do not guarantee good learning achievement.A reasonable level of anxiety helps generate good learning achievement. Taking Chinese learners of English L1 students at Colorado State University of USA as subjects,the study explored the effect of motivation on American Chinese language learners learning achievement.The researchers find that motivation intensity is an important factor leading to learning success.Both integrative and instrumental factors do not necessary lead to good learning results.Favorable attitudes toward the teacher and course materials do not guarantee good learning achievement.A reasonable level of anxiety helps generate good learning achievement.
出处 《海外英语》 2015年第19期230-233,共4页 Overseas English
关键词 AMERICAN university STUDENTS Chinese MOTIVATION American university students Chinese motivation
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