
A Study on the Translation of Government Documents from the Perspective of Toury's Norm Theory——Take 2015 Government Work Report as an Example

A Study on the Translation of Government Documents from the Perspective of Toury's Norm Theory—Take 2015 Government Work Report as an Example
摘要 Government work report reflects the most authoritative information about government work conditions at present and its future plans.With the guidance of Toury s translational norm theory,this thesis focuses on the analysis of the translation of 2015 government work report from three aspects,namely initial norms,preliminary norms and operational norms.Based on those relevant analysis,it concludes that Toury' s translational norm theory is valuable to summarize some common principles about the translation of government documents from macroscopic and microscopic views. Government work report reflects the most authoritative information about government work conditions at present and its future plans.With the guidance of Toury s translational norm theory,this thesis focuses on the analysis of the translation of 2015 government work report from three aspects,namely initial norms,preliminary norms and operational norms.Based on those relevant analysis,it concludes that Toury' s translational norm theory is valuable to summarize some common principles about the translation of government documents from macroscopic and microscopic views.
作者 余珺 YU Jun
出处 《海外英语》 2015年第21期166-168,共3页 Overseas English
关键词 TOURY TRANSLATIONAL NORM theory 2015 GOVERNMENT work report Toury translational norm theory 2015 government work report
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