传统英语学术写作课教学方法主要采用讲授法、体裁法,强调从语言以及文章形式入手,偏重于使用正确的语言结构及语法句子结构,致使学生普遍缺乏思辨能力和创造性,对英语学术语言(EAP,English for Academic Purpose)缺乏了解。该文以项目驱动法为手段对英语学术写作课程进行改革,项目学习法强调教师的多重角色,调动和挖掘学生的互动与潜能。结合课程目标,利用项目学习主动获取知识,符合建构主义和以学生为中心原则。主要采用项目布置、小组讨论、实例分析以及研讨课等授课形式,将个性化学习和合作性学习相结合,促使学生全程参与的体验式学习。
For decades,lecturing and genre analysis approach has taken dominant place in English academic writing (EAW) class of English major students,which focuses on grammar,language and article structure.Yet,ability for RA (research article) re-quires more than language selection.Thus,traditional teaching approach causes problems:confusing logic,colloquial language,no critical thinking and plagiarism.This article is to conduct a reformation in EAW class by mean of Project Based Teaching ap-proach,which emphases the multi-role of teacher and engagement of students,and encourages autonomy and cooperation.Com-bined with teaching objectives,it stimulates active learning which is in accordance with the spirit of constructivism and student learning center (SLC) principle.By means of project assignments,group discussion,cases study and research seminars,Project-Based Approach personalizes process of study,which motivates participationthroughout the whole learning process.
Overseas English