文学翻译是两种文化与语言之间转换的艺术,更是译者在原文本与读者之间距离调整的艺术。一个好的译本是翻译过程中译者与原作者和读者三者之间距离恰当调适的结果。本文拟从文本距离、身份距离和文化距离三个方面对Moment in Peking及其译作中的翻译行为进行观照,以期对Moment in Peking及其译本生成的文本复杂性详细分析的基础上对翻译行为进行研究。
Literary translation is not only an art of switching among languages to a work, but also an art of adjusting the distance between an original work and its readers. It is not an exaggeration to say that a great translation work results from proper adjustments of the distance between the author, the translator and the readers. The paper views the novel Moment in Peking and one of its translations from the perspectives of textual distance, identity distance and cultural distance concerned in the course of translation, aiming at getting insight into the complexity of producing a great translation work base on detailed analysis.
Overseas English
四川外国语言文学研究中心项目"Moment in Peking的译本研究--文化的视角"(SCWY13-24)研究成果之一