The Spanish Tragedy, written by Thomas Kyd in the late 1580 s, was the grandfather of all revenge tragedies. It established a new genre named revenge tragedy in English theater. Its well-developed characters, timeless themes, dramatic intrigue and pioneering adoption of blank verse enabled it to be viewed as a classic of London theater. Yet it also has received criticisms over the past centuries. Based on Aristotle's opinion of a perfect tragedy in"Poetics", this paper aims to point out the flaws of the play from five perspectives: the fate of Hieronimo, the cause of it, Bel-imperia's sudden love for Horatio, subplot concerning Villuppo and Alexandro, the discovery and the diction.
The Spanish Tragedy, written by Thomas Kyd in the late 1580 s, was the grandfather of all revenge tragedies. It established a new genre named revenge tragedy in English theater. Its well-developed characters, timeless themes, dramatic intrigue and pioneering adoption of blank verse enabled it to be viewed as a classic of London theater. Yet it also has received criticisms over the past centuries. Based on Aristotle's opinion of a perfect tragedy in'Poetics', this paper aims to point out the flaws of the play from five perspectives: the fate of Hieronimo, the cause of it, Bel-imperia's sudden love for Horatio, subplot concerning Villuppo and Alexandro, the discovery and the diction.
Overseas English