MOOC is an abbreviation of Massive Open Online Course.Whether MOOC can be developed for EFL learning in the Chinese context is discussed regarding both the advantages and disadvantages.MOOC provides open access to resources of high quality,systematic set of social interactions and assessment,but still needs to enlarge structured EFL learning courses and examine their effectiveness(Wu&Zhou,2014).The lack of needs analysis and existence of language obstacles are the defects of MOOC for EFL learning in China.
MOOC is an abbreviation of Massive Open Online Course. Whether MOOC can be developed for EFL learning in the Chinese context is discussed regarding both the advantages and disadvantages. MOOC provides open access to resources of high quality, systematic set of social interactions and assessment, but still needs to enlarge structured EFL learning courses and examine their effectiveness(Wu & Zhou, 2014). The lack of needs analysis and existence of language obstacles are the defects of MOOC for EFL learning in China.
Overseas English