The story of Samson is one of the most tragic in all the Bible.Born gifted and nurtured to be God’s man,just like Samuel,he was meant to deliver the people of Israel out of the oppression from the Philistines.However,by misusing his privilege and yielding himself to unbridled self-will and indulgence of women,this muscularly strong yet morally weak man fails his mission times and again and falls as a miserable slave and prisoner of his enemy.Through his prayer to God,he finally finds redemption and rises up in his death as a hero again,and his death ends up being his greatest victory against his foes.
The story of Samson is one of the most tragic in all the Bible.Born gifted and nurtured to be God’s man,just like Samuel,he was meant to deliver the people of Israel out of the oppression from the Philistines.However,by misusing his privilege and yielding himself to unbridled self-will and indulgence of women,this muscularly strong yet morally weak man fails his mission times and again and falls as a miserable slave and prisoner of his enemy.Through his prayer to God,he finally finds redemption and rises up in his death as a hero again,and his death ends up being his greatest victory against his foes.
Overseas English