
Existentialist Articulation in the Themes of The Enigma

Existentialist Articulation in the Themes of The Enigma
摘要 The main line of John Fowles' short story The Enigma is the missing of John Marcus Fielding. It mainly narrates people's views on Mr. Fielding, attitudes to him and attempts to clear the mystery up. Fowles inherits the concept of postmodernism in terms of themes, narration and other aspects, which gives a further and deeper expression of his views on freedom, mystery and the relationship between author, characters and readers. In particular, this short story of John Fowles, who was influenced by existentialism, carries out a profound literary interpretation of existentialism in many aspects. Focusing on the themes, the paper will look at the existentialist articulation in The Enigma. The main line of John Fowles' short story The Enigma is the missing of John Marcus Fielding. It mainly narrates people's views on Mr. Fielding, attitudes to him and attempts to clear the mystery up. Fowles inherits the concept of postmodernism in terms of themes, narration and other aspects, which gives a further and deeper expression of his views on freedom, mystery and the relationship between author, characters and readers. In particular, this short story of John Fowles, who was influenced by existentialism, carries out a profound literary interpretation of existentialism in many aspects. Focusing on the themes, the paper will look at the existentialist articulation in The Enigma.
作者 蔡杉杉
出处 《海外英语》 2017年第17期170-171,共2页 Overseas English
关键词 John Fowles The Enigma EXISTENTIALISM SARTRE THEME John Fowles The Enigma Existentialism Sartre theme
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