OBJECTIVE: Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome (WPW) is considered to be an autosomal dominant hereditary disease, but the gene is not identified. The objective of this study was to localize the genetic loci of Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. METHODS: Linkage analysis between the disease of Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome and 3 STR (short tandem repeats) markers on 7q3 (D7S505, D7S688, and D7S483) was tested in 3 kindreds of the Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome (101 numbers in total) by genotyping. RESULTS: Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome was linked to the loci above. The maximum two-point Lod score detected at D7S505 was 6.4 at a recombination fraction (theta) of 0.1; the Lod score of D7S688, D7S483 was 5.3 vs 2.5. CONCLUSION: The gene of Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome is located at 7q3.
目的 预激综合征为常染色体显性遗传性疾病。但其致病基因尚未定位、克隆。本实验目的是探寻预激综合征的基因位点。方法 应用基因分型的方法 ,以 7q3上D7S5 0 5 ,D7S6 88和D7S4 83为候选位点 ,对 3个家族性预激综合征家系 (共10 1名成员 )进行了连锁分析。结果 家族性预激综合征与上述 3个位点均连锁 ,以D7S5 0 5Lod值最高 ,重组率 (θ)为 0 1时Lod =6 4 ;D7S4 83和D7S6 88位点Lod值分别为 2 5和 5 3。结论 预激综合征的相关基因位于 7q3上。