OBJECTIVE: To identify genotype of eight strains of Orientia tsutsugamushi (O. tsutsugamushi) isolated from Nan Peng Lie Islands in China and establish tsutsugamushi disease nature foci for this region. METHODS: The nested polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) were used. Three primers were selected from the DNA sequence of the gene encoding type-specific 56-kDa protein of the Karp strain. The positive products were digested by Hine II and Pst I, meanwhile profiles specific to each strain were analyzed. RESULTS: Three genotypes of O. tsutsugamushi including Karp, Kato and a new strain existed on Nan Peng Lie Islands. CONCLUSION: Nan Peng Lie Islands is tsutsugamushi disease nature foci.
目的 为确定我国南澎列岛是否为恙虫病疫源地 ,对来自该地的 8个恙虫病东方体分离株进行基因鉴定。方法 应用套式聚合酶链反应 (NPCR)和限制片段长度多态性分析 (RFLP) ,NPCR的引物来自恙虫病东方体5 6kDa蛋白基因 ,NPCR阳性产物由HincII和PstI消化并产生特异性酶切图谱并予以分析。结果 南澎列岛的 8个恙虫病东方体分离株属三个型 ,即Karp ,Kato和一新型恙虫病东方体。