校园卡的设计和选型是建设新一代高校智慧一卡通平台的核心问题.传统校园卡的局限性和安全缺陷导致它的应用及发展面临着巨大的挑战.由于非接触式CPU Java卡的灵活性、规范性和可移植性,本文提出了一种基于智慧一卡通的非接触式CPU Java卡的设计方案,并对方案体系结构的组成、卡的ATS标准规范的定义、Applet文件系统的结构组织以及GP认证的安全保障机制等进行了较为深入的讨论.另外以NXP P60D080芯片为例分析了方案的实现及应用情况.本文的方案对于高校同类一卡通系统的建设或者升级改造具有较高的借鉴价值.
The design and selection of campus card is a key point in constructing a new generation of smart campus cards platform.The limitations and security flaws of traditional campus cards are facing great challenges in its application and development.Due to the flexibility,normalization and portability of the non-contact CPU Java card,this paper proposed a new design scheme of non-contact CPU card based on smart campus card platform,and in-depth discussion about such as the architecture of the design scheme,the definition of the ATS standard specification of the card,the structure of the Applet file system,and the security mechanism of the GP authentication.In addition,NXP P60D080 chip as an example is used to analyze the implementation and application of the scheme.The proposed scheme has a highly valuable reference value in constructing or upgrading of campus card system.
Journal of Central China Normal University:Natural Sciences