1引言随着新课堂改革的施行,英语教学更重视对学生英语综合能力的培养。因此,近年来,我国外语教学界对外语教学中的文化因素日益重视,越来越多的人已经认识到,学习语言时,不仅要学习语言形式,而且还应包括其文化内容。从一定意义上说,"学习一门外语即是学习另一种文化"(胡文仲,1991)。在外语学习中,如果忽视了文化因素的学习,在实际的应用交往中就会遇到困难,导致人们常说的"文化休克"(Culture shock)。
Language and culture are inextricable.One cannot study a language well if he/she ignores cultural background of the language.This thesis holds that learning the knowledge of the language‘s background is good for students to grabs the language.English teachers should introduce intentionally relevant cultural elements,to be aware of students’ possible cultural mistakes and to make full use of teaching materials currently in use.And this thesis attempts to make a study into suitable contents,principles and methods concerning cultural background in secondary English teaching,with a view to bringing about better results in language teaching.