In recent years,China’s economic construction has made unprecedented achievements in development.People’s living standards have been effectively improved,however,along with a wealth of material life,the quality of our environment has significantly decreased,especially in winter in north China,where the haze phenomenon is particularly serious,not only affecting people’s travel and health,but also reducing people’s happiness index.Focusing on the relationship between the haze and the pursuit of wealth,this article will try to explore how to coordinate the relationship between the development of the socio-economy and natural environment.
In recent years,China’s economic construction has made unprecedented achievements in development.People’s living standards have been effectively improved,however,along with a wealth of material life,the quality of our environment has significantly decreased,especially in winter in north China,where the haze phenomenon is particularly serious,not only affecting people’s travel and health,but also reducing people’s happiness index.Focusing on the relationship between the haze and the pursuit of wealth,this article will try to explore how to coordinate the relationship between the development of the socio-economy and natural environment.