2Gottlob Frege(1879). "Begriffsschrift, a Formal Language of Pure Thought Modeled upon that of Arith- metic",in J. van Heijenoort (ed.). From Frege to Godel:A Source Book in Mathematical Logic, 1879, 1931, Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 1967.
3George Boolos. Logic, Logic, and Logic. Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 1998.
5Gottlob Frege. The Foundations of Arithmetic :A Logico-mathematical Enquiry into the Concept of Number. Oxford: Blackwell, second revised edition, 1974.
6Gottlob Frege. The Basic Laws of Arith m etic. Berkeley : University of California, 1967.
7Michael Beaney. The Frege Reader. Oxford; Blackwell, 1997.
8John Burgess. Fixing Frege. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2005.
9Richard Heck. "The Consistency of Predicative Fragments of Frege's Grundgesetze der Arithmetik", History and Philosophy of Logic, 1996, (17).
10Willard Van Quine. "On Frege' s Way Out", Mind, New Series, 1955,64, pp. 145 - 159.