目的:研究蛋白激酶C(protein kinase C,PKC)特异性抑制剂—金丝桃素对外伤性增生性玻璃体视网膜病变(proliferative vitreoretinopathy,PVR)的防治作用机制。方法:用自体富含血小板血浆玻璃体内注射制备免外伤性PVR模型,并同时将生理盐水、1μM、10μM和100μM金丝桃素0.1ml注入兔眼玻璃体内,在不同时间点观察金丝桃素对PVR形成的防治作用。结果:在对照组第10d就出现视网膜脱离,PVR随着时间延长发展至更严重等级。在金丝桃素组,PVR也发生,但其严重程度在每个时间点均低于对照组。在10μM和100μM金丝桃素组给药5d后,PVR的临床分级显著低于对照组(P<0.05)。组织学检查金丝桃素组未发现明显视网膜形态改变,视网膜电图检查也未观察到显著功能变化。结论:金丝桃素玻璃体腔内注射是安全的,并能有效抑制兔外伤性PVR的发生发展,为将来临床应用提供可靠的理论依据。眼科学报 2002;18:240-246.
Purpose: To examine the effects of hypericin on traumatic proliferative vitreoretinopathy
(PVR) in rabbits.
Methods: Traumatic PVR was induced in pigmented rabbits by intravitreal injection of
platelet rich plasma. Subsequently, the eyes received an intravitreal injection of saline
(0. 1ml), or hypericin (0. 1ml) in doses of 1μM, 10μM and 100μM. The eyes were
examined ophthalmoscopically on distinct days after surgery and the stage of PVR was
Results: In the control eyes, the retina was detached after 10 days, the PVR had
progressed to higher stages over time. In the eyes injected with hypericin, the PVR also
developed, however, the severity of PVR on each day was lower than that in control eyes
on that day. PVR was significantly inhibited in groups treated with 10 and 100μM
hypericin as compared with the control eyes after 5 days(P < 0. 05) . Histological
examination of the hypericin-treated eyes disclosed no morphological changes, and ERG
analysis revealed no significant functional changes.
Conclusion: Intravitreal injection of hypericin is a safe and effective means of reducing
traumatic PVR as an initial step in exploring its potential for clinical treatment of
PVR. Eye Science 2002; 18: 240 - 246.
Eye Science