现阶段 ,军队医院面临各种挑战和机遇。面对诸多变化 ,只有贯彻总部“解放思想、开门办院”的指示 ,在人才、技术、设备、资金等医院发展要素上进行多方位的合作 ,才能促进医院全面发展。实践证明 ,“开门办院”是加快医院建设和发展的步伐 ,赢得时间、缩小差距的有效办法。
The military hospitals are facing the varieties of the challenge and opportunities. In order to develop the hospital comprehensively in new situation, headquarters policy of 'Emancipate the mind, Open door hospital' should be carried out and cooperation on the talents, technique, equipments and funds. It's proved that 'Opening door hospital' is a valid way for quickening development, gaining time and narrowing gap.
Hospital Administration Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army