提出一种基于RGB、HSI空间和KL变换的人脸区域检测算法 ,根据待检测图像上每点的颜色值来判断它属于人体区域还是背景区域 ,从而检测出人脸所在的位置。实验表明 ,该种方法避免了在RGB、HSI和KL三个独立空间分别进行人脸检测所出现的人脸误测问题 ,通过大量的实验和检测 ,将三种方法有机的结合起来 ,较好地区分人脸区域和背景区域 。
Based on three respective space:RGB HSI and KL transformation,a face detection algorithm is proposed.The algorithm can locate the face area in color camera images of complex laboratory scenes according to the color value of every pixel.Experimental results show that the algorithm can rapidly distinguish the face areas from most background areas and has a good robustness to the change of light condition.
Journal of Beijing Broadcasting Institute(Science and Technology)