我国农业产业化已经历 10多年的历史 ,其发展给农村经济带来勃勃生机与活力。然而尽管如此 ,它仍处于初始阶段。我国广大农村不同类型地区发展不均衡 ,并出现各种各样的问题。因此 ,如何推进农村产业化向纵深发展 ,解决在探求符合自身发展模式的过程中出现的各种问题 ,已成为当务之急。
The past decade has seen the agri-industrialization in our country, which has vitalized our rural economy. However, still at its starting period, the agri-industrialization has been blemished by unbalanced development in different types of rural areas and some urgent problems arising herein. The most pressing matter of the moment is how to deepen the rural agri-industrialization and how to tackle different problems met in the search of more suitable development model.
Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Sciences Edition)
20 0 1年国家计委研究课题的课题报告