实现经济持续稳定增长是国家宏观经济政策的首要目标。但实质性的经济增长离不开有效的社会供给。本文从分析供求关系入手 ,在表明我国供求现状和形成低 (劣 )效供给的主要原因的基础上 ,从宏观、微观两方面就增加有效供给的途径作了探讨 ,提出了一些可供操作的措施。
It is one of chief objectives of the State macro-economy policy to sustain a stable economic growth. But the substantial increase cannot be achieved without effective supply. With an analysis of demand and supply relationship as the starting point and with the elucidation of the status quo of demand and supply and the causes for low-effective supply as the basis, this paper discussed macro and micro approaches to increasing effective supply, and offered some operational measures.
Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Sciences Edition)