我国的蝗灾历史悠久 ,尤其是明清时期蝗灾不但空间分布广 ,而且灾情严重 ,因此明清时期防治蝗灾的对策多种多样。如发动群众根治蝗虫滋生地 ,农业防治法、生物防治法、人工防治法、法规治蝗法等等 ,还注意化害为利。
Locust disasters broke out frequently in Chinese history and became worsened during the Ming-Qing dynasties, in both distribution and consequences: hence a variety of measures for pest control during that period, e.g. mobilization of masses to destruct locust breeding habitat, agricultural control method, biological control method, artificial control method, legal control method and so on. Attention was paid to turning distress into favorable conditions. Lessons can be learned from the past experience for today's pest control.
Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Sciences Edition)