我国明清时期长江中下游地区的土地利用状况是自汉、唐以来人地关系日益尖锐的结果。文章在分析了当时土地利用方式的基础上 ,进一步对形成土地集约化经营趋势日趋明显的原因进行了论述 ,并从明清时期的土地利用得出启示
It is considered that land use in the Yangtze River middle and lower reaches Area during the Ming and Qing Dynasties was the result of the increasingly acute tension between the people and land in the Han and the Tang dynasties. On the basis of analyzing the land use patterns in that period, the article further discussed the causes for the development of intensive land farming and gained an enlightenment from analyzing the land utilization in the Ming and Qing period: the exploitation and utilization of the land resources in China must follow a sustainable development.
Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Sciences Edition)