本文扼要概括了冷战时期美欧安全与防务关系的特点和基本状况 ,着重分析了冷战后这些特点发生的变化及其原因 ,具体分析了影响美欧安全与防务关系的一些持久的双边和战略问题 ,并在此基础上进一步探讨了未来美欧安全与防务关系的发展趋势。文章认为 ,冷战的结束对传统的、基于北约联盟基础上的美欧防务安全关系带来严峻的挑战。随着欧洲安全环境和防务性质的变化、美欧各自战略重点的转移、欧盟一体化的进展和美国实力的进一步增强 ,美欧安全与防务关系的性质和内涵也发生相应的变化。“9·11”事件并没有改变美欧关系裂痕加大的趋势 ,反而使美欧防务安全关系再次面临严峻的挑战。目前美欧之间在安全防务问题上虽然存在众多的分歧 ,但不会走的太远 ,美欧安全与防务关系总体上仍以协调和合作为主。
The end of the cold war has posed serious challenges to the traditional US-European security and defense relationship based on NATO alliance. With the change of European se-curity environment and the nature of defense, the strategic focus of the United States and Europe has shifted respec-tively. The nature and content of US-European security and defense relations have also changed in accordance to the pro-gress in EU integration and the further strengthening of A-merican power. The Sept. 11 terrorist attack has not re-versed the trend of widening split in US-European relations.Rather, its aftermath poses yet another serious challenge to US-European relations. Although there are numerous differences on the issues of security and defense between the United States and Europe, such rifts will not become adrift.Coordination and cooperation will still be the keynote in the relationship.
The Chinese Journal of American Studies