诉讼权利贯穿于诉讼的全过程。由于我们传统上受“重实体 ,轻程序”观念的影响 ,对实体权利关注较多 ,而忽视程序性权利 (诉讼权利 ) ,认为诉讼权利处于辅助地位 ,在“程序正义”日益强调的今天 。
Litigant rights play an important role in the corse of the procedure of litigantion.Due to the idea of appreciating entity and des-pising procedure, we pay attention to substativ rights and igore proc-edural (litigant)rights excessively.We get used to regard litigant rights as anxililary ones. Today,procedural justice hs been increasingly emphasized, So, it is necessary to study the value of litigand rights.
Journal of Huainan Normal University