
中国3~6岁城区儿童忽视常模的研制 被引量:71

Development of child neglect norms of urban children aged 3-6 years in China
摘要 目的 研究制定评价儿童忽视的工具和标准 ;同时为父母及保教人员科学养育孩子提供行为指南。方法  (1)在全国 7个行政大区 2 5个代表性城市 2~ 6岁儿童中随机抽取有效样本 145 7例 ,男女各半 ,少数民族占4 9%。 (2 )儿童忽视问卷由 6个层面的 146个题项组成。 (3 )对所收集的数据 ,经题项难易度分析、项目分析、因素分析和内部一致性检验 ,逐步删除不适宜题项、层面和年龄组 ;经信度分析、效度分析 ,从而形成正式量表 ;再确定相应的参数 ,最终完成常模的研制。结果  (1)一般特征 :男童与女童量表忽视总分比较无显著性差异 ;男、女童在 6个忽视层面得分均值比较也均无显著性差异。 (2 )量表的形成 :经过项目分析、因素分析及内部一致性检验 ,逐步删除 5 3个不适宜题项及 1个层面 ,最终形成由 5个层面 91个题项组成的总量表 ;再经信度分析 (总量表及各忽视层面的内部一致性系数α、分半信度 ,重测信度 ,平行信度等 )和效度分析 (结构效度、外部效度、表面效度等 ) ,结果均较理想 ,达到了常模的要求。 (3 )忽视界值点的确定 :总量表及每一忽视层面得分的第 90百分位数 (P90 )分别是 :身体忽视层面 3 5分、情感忽视层面 80分、教育忽视层面 40分、医疗忽视层面 15分、安全忽视层面 2 0分 ; Objective To develop the Child Neglect Norms(CNN) of urban children aged 3-6 years and provide a measure tool and evaluation criterion for carrying out study,investigation and prevention on child neglect in China.Methods (1)1?457 children (726 males(49.8%)) were randomly sampled from 5 cities,which were representatives of 7 administrative regions of China in accordance with sex,age.The minority nationality's proportion was 4.9%.(2)The questionnaire was composed of 146 items of 6 subscales.The data were collected by trained professional staff.(3)Data were analysed by item's distinguishing power analysis,factor analysis,internal consistency analysis to delete unsuitable items,subscales and age groups;by reliability analysis(Cronbach's alphas,Split-half reliability,the test-reliability,parallel reliability)and validity analysis(construction validity,face validity and exterior validity)to formal scales and then determine corresponding parameters to finish final norms.Results (1)General characteristic:①CNN scores( ±s ) for the male children was not significantly different form that for female children.②There was no significant difference between male and female children for each of the 6 neglect subscales.(2)Developing scales:The overall scale was developed by item's distinguishing power analysis,factor analysis and iternal consistency analysis in which 53 items and 1 subscale(the social neglect subscale)were removed from the initial questionnaire.The final CNN scale contained 91 items of 5 neglect subscales.Reliability analysis(coefficient of Internal consistency,Split-half reliability,Test-retest reliability and parallel reliability of the overall CNN and all neglect subscale)and Validity analysis(The construction Validity,Cronbach's alphas,Face Vialidity and Exterior Validity)were perfect.(3)Cut-off Point of the CNN:Percentile 90( P 90 ) of the score on each neglect subscale and the overall scale were respectively;physical neglect subscale 35,emotion 80,education 40,safety 20 and medicine 15,the overall scale 190.Conclusion The CNN which consisted of 91 items of 5 scales may evaluate physical,emotional,educational,medical and safe neglect situation for children respectively.It may also be useful in assessing parent's and child-caregiver's behaviors and attitude.
出处 《中国公共卫生》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第1期33-36,共4页 Chinese Journal of Public Health
关键词 中国 儿童忽视 量表 信度 效度 常模 儿童卫生 child neglect scale reliability validity norms
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