土默川地区分布着大面积的碱化土壤和碱土 ,使得该地区农牧业发展受到很大限制。本文研究了不同种植方法 ,不同播期下苜蓿在碱土上的生长状况 ,从而得出了以下结果 :在试验区通过对苜蓿不同种植方式 ,可得出苜蓿以开沟播种覆土盖地膜最佳 ,开沟播种不覆土镇压次之 ,开沟播种覆土镇压产量最低。通过苜蓿不同播期的试验 ,当年以 6月 1 7日播种的产草量最高 ,可得出苜蓿在当年 5月 1 9日次之 ,7月 1日最低。
There are large area of alkaline soil in Tumochuan region,which seriously restricted the development of agriculture of this region,In this test,different seeding methods and seeding time were applied to test the growth situation of alfafa in alkaline soil. The result showed that the best seeding method was ditching and covered with soil and plastic film,the next was ditching and not covered with soil,the thirt was ditching and covered with soil;The test results of different seeding time showed that the best yield was obtained when alfafa were planted at june 17 ,the next was at May 19,and the thirt was at July 1.
Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment