目的分析甲型副伤寒沙门菌的质粒DNA图谱及其与细菌对药物敏感性的相关性。 方法检测 15 0株获自患者血液标本的甲型副伤寒沙门菌的药物敏感性和分离其质粒DNA进行图谱分析。结果根据指纹图谱特征可将 15 0株甲型副伤寒沙门菌分为 4种指纹图谱类型 ,其中 81 3%菌株具有分子量为 30 0 0bp和 2 0 0 0 0bp的两个质粒。各菌株对菌必治、庆大霉素、氯霉素、环丙沙星、氨苄青霉素、氟哌酸的耐药率分别为 8%~ 81% ,但与质粒DNA图谱无明显的相关性。结论 15 0株甲型副伤寒沙门菌包括 4个质粒DNA图谱类型 81 3%的菌株具有同源性。在所分离的菌株中以基因Ⅲ型为优势菌株 ,且对氟哌酸、氨苄青霉素具有较高的耐药性 ,是引起我市近年甲型副伤寒流行的主要菌株。
Objective To determine and analyze plasmid DNA printing and suscepbilities to drugs of S. Paratyphi A and the relation of the plasmids and drug resistance of the bacteria.Methods Plasmid DNA printing and the suscepbilities to drugs of 150 strains of S.Paratyphi A which were isolated from the blood samples of the patients with paratyphi were determined. Result 4 genotypes were found in 150 strains and 81.3% of the bacteria were homologus. The relation did not be found between plasmid DNA printing and drug resistant. The resistant rates of ceftriaxone,gentamycin, chloramphenical,ciprofloxacin, cefalexin noefloxacin were 8%~81%. Conclusion 4 genotypes were found in 150 strains of S. Paratyphy A and in which81.3% were homologous. Most of the paratyphi were caused by the genotypes Ⅲ and they were drug resistant in our province.
Guizhou Medical Journal