20 0 2年 8月 ,一名战士被黄蜂蜇伤 ,随即出现严重的全身过敏反应 ,抗过敏治疗后病情好转。应加强健康教育 ,做好驻农村或野外驻训部队官兵的防黄蜂蜇伤的预防及急救措施知识的教育。
In August, 2002, a solider was stung by a vespid, and then he bore whole body anaphylaxis. At last, he was cured by anti-anaphylaxis. It is needed to strengthan the health education to the army whom residence in rural and wild area, and then they willlearn the prevention measure to against sting of vespid.
Journal of Medical Pest Control