

Theory of Picture or Theory of Language-Games——The analysis of Wittgenstein's intention of Linguistic philosophy through the representation of concept about cause and effect in the Chinese Language
摘要 本文以汉语的因果观念的语言表现方式作为观察点 ,对西方当代语言哲学的代表人物维特根斯坦的前后语言哲学观的变化进行了一次检讨 ,认为前期维特根斯坦的语言图象论和后期维特根斯坦的语言游戏说在汉语实践中都能得到实证。维特根斯坦的哲学观念的转变表现出的是一种科学主义和人文主义的对立 ,但就具体的语言实践来看 ,语言图象和语言游戏既具有冲突性 。 In the perspective of the concept of cause and effect as a language representation in Chinese,the author examines the change in the linguistic philosophy of Wittgenstein about his early and later theories,who used to be a spokesman for modern Western linguistic philosophy.The author believes that Wittgenstein's early Theory of Picture and his later Theory of Language_Games are verifiable in language actions of Chinese.The change in his intention of philosophy represents the antagonism between scientism and humanism.At the same time,however,in the language actions,the Theory of Picture and the Theory of Larguage_Games take on the features of conflict and symbiosis as well.
作者 屈哨兵
出处 《广州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2002年第11期52-56,共5页 Journal of Guangzhou University:Social Science Edition
关键词 语言图象 语言游戏 维特根斯坦 因果观念 语言哲学 Theory of Picture Theory of Language_Games Wittgenstein concept about cause and effect linguistic philosophy
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