詹姆斯·瑟伯是美国文学史上具有重要影响的幽默大师 ,他的作品具有严肃、丰富的社会意义 ,他把文学创作中的幽默风格与深刻的文化内涵及生活哲理有机地结合起来 ,揭示现实生活中那些普遍存在的荒谬可笑的现象 ,以此给予人们某种启示 ,帮助人们认清、洞察事物的本来面目 ,认识时代的问题。
James Thurber is an important humorist in the history of American literature. His works are, with serious and rich social significance, combined his humor with the profound cultural intension and philosophy of life to disclose the folly of the ordinary people and ridiculous happenings in the daily life so as to inspire people to see things in their true color and to have a clear idea of the reality.
Journal of Yancheng Institute of Technology(Social Science Edition)