

Natural Calendar-Opinion on the Reform of Calendar
摘要 我们发现了自然存在的"历法calendar闰年leapyear规律"和"闰年(设置闰日leapday)周期"。这是有史以来全球的历算学者们梦寐以求,而始终也没找到的那个瑰宝。今天我们找到了这个瑰宝,在历算学上如拨云雾而见青天。笔者根据这些自然规律制定了"自然历",(见《自然历总表》)分一年12个历月calendarmonth,每个历月含两个自然节气,每年的元旦肯定在立春节日,12月初一肯定在小寒节日。把闰年日放在元旦日前。每年含52周,正月初二起周一,12月29日为周末。元旦日不在周号内,闰年日不在周号,也不在月号内。每年的季、月、节、周、日号关系都固定下来,年年相同,所以一年历就是万年历。这对社会发展将带来无穷尽的方便与福利。"自然历"的闰年周期是673年,每个周期内置163次,其中4年一闰的141次,5年一闰的22次。后一周期与前一周期中的同一年号在"黄道(ecliptic)"上的起止点只差2秒。比现行的"格里历"要精1600倍。这一发现,在我国来说,是继"指南针"、"火药"之后的,对人类文明的又一伟大贡献。 Now we have discovered the laws of the natural calendar and leapyear and the cycle of the leapyear. This is the piece of valuable treasure the calendarians all over the world have dreamed of for ages, but have never succeeded in finding. Today we have found this treasure, an unprecedented achievement in the science of calendar.We have, in accordance with the law of nature, constituted the Natural Calendar (see the General Table of the Natural Calendar),in which a year is divided into 12 calendar months and each month has two natural solar terms. Lunar New Year's Day must always fall on the day of the Beginning of Spring every year and the 1st of December is fixed on the day of Slight Cold. The Leap Year Day is placed before the New Year's Day. A year comprises 52 weeks. The 2nd of the first month begins on Monday and the 29th of December is Sunday. The New Year's Day does not count as a day of the weeks and a Leap day does not count in the weeks or in the months. The relationships among the quarters, months, solar terms, weeks and days are thus fixed every year and recur year after year. Therefore, a calendar for one year is a calendar forever. This will be tremendously convenient and beneficial for our soceity.In the Natural Calendar, the cycle of leap year is 673 years. There are 163 times in one cycle, of which fouryear leap years are 141, fiveyear leap years are 22.The difference in the starting and finishing points in the ecliptic between the latter cycle and the former cycle of the same year is only 2 seconds, which is 1600 times more accurate than the Gregorian Calendar in current use.This discovery is another great contribution to the human civilization after the compass and gunpowder.
作者 瀛云萍
机构地区 大连大学
出处 《辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2003年第1期96-100,共5页 Journal of Liaoning Normal University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 自然历 历法改革 历算学 Natural Calendar reform of calendar science of calendar.
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